Openalex api documentation. Old OpenAlex API documentation.
Openalex api documentation com. OpenAlex is a fully open catalog of the global research system. It's easy to get a concept from the API with: /concepts/<entity_id>. We offer a fast, modern REST API to get OpenAlex data programmatically. OpenAlex API documentation. So a search for "John Smith" will also return "John W. To learn about the API, the data snapshot, and other fun stuff, head over to our technical documentation. Old OpenAlex API documentation. OpenAlex reports both the primary host source (generally wherever the lives), and alternate host sources (like preprint repositories). configuration = openalex_api. About keywords. Check it out at slatedocs. github. The Canonical External ID for OpenAlex concepts is the Wikidata ID, and each of our concepts has one, because all OpenAlex concepts are also Wikidata concepts. py for a list of all supported configuration parameters. ⌃K It's easy to get an author from from the API with: /authors/<entity_id>. There are 19 root-level concepts, and six layers of descendants branching out from them, containing about 65 thousand concepts all told. Here's an example: By default we return 25 results per page. Or less formally: the number of citations to this concept. Quickstart tutorial. We believe the global research system is one of humankind's most beautiful creations. The Global South is a term used to identify regions within Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. groups_count is null. Our data is free and reusable, available via bulk download or API, our code is fully open-source, and ; we're governed by a sustainable and transparent nonprofit. Use the page query parameter to control which page of results you want (eg page=1, page=2, etc). OpenAlex is a map of the world's research ecosystem, linking components (like papers, institutions, journals, topics, SDGs, authors, etc. Data Snapshot — A periodic snapshot of the data, API reference/Technical documentation; OpenAlex offers a robust, open, and free REST API to extract, aggregate, or search scholarly data. Here's an example: It's easy to get a list of entity objects from from the API:/<entity_name>. You can change this default and page through institutions with the per-page and page parameters: Integer: The number of citations to works that are linked to this publisher through journals or other sources. We will continue to provide these Concepts for Works, but we will not be actively maintaining, updating, or providing support for these concepts. Or less formally: the number of citations to this keyword. the url path to use in the GET request to the openalex API. Here's an example: Old OpenAlex API documentation. API Overview; Get single entities Reference; openalex_api. The Canonical External ID for institutions is the ROR ID. Overview We classify each work into a single primary subfield based on the text of the work and not the main fields of the journal it is published in (see our documentation on topics)---when works in a particular subfield are published in a journal with different primary subfields, this likely leads to differences in FWCI for that work in databases that You can use the /text API endpoint to tag your own free text with OpenAlex's "aboutness" assignments—topics, keywords, and concepts. Here are some ways you can filter and group by continents and the Global South. ⌃K Works in OpenAlex are tagged with Topics using an automated system that takes into account the available information about the work, including title, abstract, source (journal) name, and citations. For example, if there are just two works tagged with this keyword and one of them has been cited 10 times, and the other has been cited 1 time, cited_by_count for this keyword would be 11. It will show you how results are formatted, the number of results returned, and how to sort results. Search. Likewise, OpenAlex generally covers everything in other databases, plus a lot more (depending on the database) and we' are continuing to add new sources of metadata. Our source for this group of countries is the United Nations Finance Center for South-South Cooperation. openalexR helps you interface with the OpenAlex API to retrieve bibliographic information about publications, authors, institutions, sources, funders, publishers, topics and keywords with 5 main functions: You can get a random result by using the string random where an ID would normally go. groups_count is the count of groups (in the current page). Our information about authors comes from MAG, Crossref, PubMed, ORCID, and publisher websites, among other sources. It'll take up roughly 300GB of disk space. OpenAlex technical documentation. - Use your Premium API Key to download the latest updates from our API and keep your data in sync with ours. Here's an example: OpenAlex technical documentation. *In July 2023, OpenAlex switched to a new, more accurate, author identification system, replaced all OpenAlex Author IDs with new ones. When you search concepts, we look in each concept's display_name and description fields. I think my institution is missing works in OpenAlex. The example above was created with Slate. Concepts are hierarchical, like a tree. Highly-cited works and less recent works are more likely to have n-grams, as shown by the coverage charts below: OpenAlex technical documentation. Example: String: A summarized description of this author's position in the work's author list. Locations are meant to capture the way that a work exists in different versions. org. The video recor So if you have questions about which sources you might want to exclude from an analysis, check with your local librarian to see if they've curated such a list. For each work, OpenAlex decides whether the work meets this definition using several techniques, such as looking for it in the Directory of Open Access Journals, or trying to find a publicly available PDF on the internet. Overview 2024 OpenAlex Virtual User Conference The User Conference was a great success! We had a fantastic showing of presentations from around the world on May 30 and May 31, 2024. It's named after the ancient Library of Alexandria and made by the nonprofit OurResearch. , OpenAlex doesn't include plaintext abstracts due to legal constraints. Data. OMG that's so random! Each time you call this URL you'll get a different entity. OpenAlex indexes about 10,000 publishers. Come say hi if you'll also be there! April 7-9, 2025 — Res Value: a Boolean (true or false)Returns: works which came from MAG (Microsoft Academic Graph), and no other data sources. This means that there is a 2 step process: Object: The abstract of the work, as an , which encodes information about the abstract's words and their positions within the text. Boolean: Whether this is currently fully-open-access source. For example, if a publisher publishes 27 journals and those 27 journals have 3,050 works, this number is the sum of the cited_by_count values for all of those 3,050 works. For best performance, to all API requests, like mailto=example@domain. This is the technical documentation for OpenAlex, including the OpenAlex API and the data snapshot. Overview aws s3 sync "s3://openalex" "openalex-snapshot"--no-sign-request If you download the snapshot into an existing folder, you'll need to use the aws s3 sync --delete flag to remove files from any previous downloads. It's only found as part of the Work object. OpenAlex indexes about 32,000 funders. Ex OpenAlex API documentation. All institutions in OpenAlex have ROR IDs. More. Example: Slate helps you create beautiful, intelligent, responsive API documentation. API Entities. We will continue to provide these Concepts for Works, but we will not be actively maintaining, updating, or providing support for these concepts. When this happens the boolean value is_authors_truncated will be available and set to true. Overview How to use the API. ⌃K These are the original OpenAlex Concepts, which are being deprecated in favor of Topics. Result objects have a hint property. OpenAlex aims to make that whole beautiful creation available to everyone, everywhere. OpenAlex API — A fast, modern REST API to get the data programmatically. Possible values are first, middle, and last. Names with diacritics are flexible as well. Most entities also have IDs in other systems, too. Get single entities a new getting-started tutorial walks you through using the API to find the percent of journal articles from a given institution that are Open Access. openalex_api. Check out the , a Jupyter notebook showing how to use Python and the API to learn about all of the sources in a country. import openalex_api from openalex_api. OpenAlex uses a broad definition: having a URL where you can read the fulltext of this work without needing to pay money or log in. This author's last known institutional affiliations. Get single entities Old OpenAlex API documentation. OpenAlex snapshot; Snapshot data format; Download to your machine; Upload to your database We offer a fast, modern REST API to get OpenAlex data programmatically, with generous free daily rate limits. Research outputs are the main artery of OpenAlex API documentation. org") OpenAlex technical documentation. To learn more about both of these, head over to our technical documentation: https://docs. It's free and requires no authentication. more documentation of the OpenAlex ID and of our Canonical External IDs (DOIs, RORs, etc). Get single entities You can filter using these attributes of the Institution entity object (click each one to view their documentation on the Institution object page): OpenAlex API documentation. meta. The following features of OpenAlex are currently supported by PyAlex: Get single entities; Filter entities meta. for each of our five entity types, an overview describing what that entity is and how we get it. ⌃K Feb 13, 2018 · It's easy to get a work from from the API with: /works/<entity_id> Here's an example: Integer: The number citations to works that have been tagged with this concept. The CWTS dashboard compares rankings based on Web of Science vs OpenAlex data By default we return 25 results per page. What can I do? French affiliation structures are complex-- how does OpenAlex handle them? Why are only some of my repository records showing up in openalex? Data ingest pipeline; API and Data Snapshot; Where do works in OpenAlex come from? Aboutness; Institutions and Raw Affiliation String It's best to read about group by before trying these out. This is a very rare case in which we violate the rule of You can filter using these attributes of the Funder entity object (click each one to view their documentation on the Funder object page): Technical documentation. String: A summarized description of this author's position in the work's author list. Overview OpenAlex technical documentation. The best way to search for sources is to use the search query parameter, which searches across , , and . Entities overview. PyAlex is a lightweight and thin Python interface to this API. Accepts a title and optional abstract in the GET params or as a POST request. Example: Old OpenAlex API documentation. ) to one another. io/slate. Rd. org # See configuration. We'll limit our search to articles published between 2010 and 2020. This is the help center for OpenAlex, containing information about the data, the website where you can start exploring, and the background concepts. We have created a page in our help docs to give you all the information you need about our author disambiguation including information about author IDs, how we disambiguate authors, and how you can curate your author profile. The Open Research Converter resolving DOIs to OpenAlex works IDs at scale ; VOSViewer supports copy and pasting OpenAlex URLs or API calls to freely analyze and visualize bibliometric networks (video tutorial) Dashboards. Example: OpenAlex; Reference; Reference. Funder data comes from Crossref, and is enhanced with data from Wikidata and ROR. Get single entities. OpenAlex indexes over 240M works, with about 50,000 added daily. If you want to explore the data as a human, you may be more interested in OpenAlex Web. The API is the primary way to get OpenAlex data. The OpenAlex dataset describes scholarly entities and how those entities are connected to each other. In many cases, a single organization does not fit neatly into one role. You can show this to users to help them identify which item they're selecting. API Overview. openalex. Random You can filter using these attributes of the Publisher entity object (click each one to view their documentation on the Publisher object page): Old OpenAlex API documentation. Here, you can learn how to set up your code to access OpenAlex's data. If there are no groups in the response, meta. PyAlex tries to stay as close as possible to the design of the original service. Arguments path. Get single entities That will return a Publisher object, describing everything OpenAlex knows about the publisher with that ID: Conferences and other events Here's a list of the conferences we expect to attend in 2025 (we will add more as we confirm participation). We also offer periodic snapshots of the full data set. Value. Searching without a middle initial returns names with and without middle initials. When you search works, the API looks for matches in titles, abstracts, and fulltext. Works are assigned topics using a model that assigns scores for each topic for a work. Note: You can browse through and read the notebooks right here on GitHub. How to use the API. Apr 26, 2023 · Get the second page of sources results, with 50 results returned per page List: List of role objects, which include the role (one of institution, funder, or publisher), the id (OpenAlex ID), and the works_count. Get single entities OpenAlex technical documentation. Example: OpenAlex technical documentation. Unless you have a good reason to be relying on them, we encourage you to look into Topics instead. In order to assign keywords to works, we took the topics assigned to that work (at most 3 topics), pulled the keywords associated with those topics (at most 30 keywords, for now) and then determined the similarity of the keyword to the title/abstract The data is made available under the CC0 license. The field is the second-highest level in the "domain, field, subfield, topic" system, which means it is the second-least granular. In this context "last known" means that we took all the author's , sorted them by publication date, and selected the most recent one. There are around 4,500 Topics. Every entity has an OpenAlex ID. You can page through works and change the default number of results returned with the page and per-page parameters: While geo is not a core entity within OpenAlex, geography is central to categorizing scholarly data. It's easy to get a source from from the API with: /sources/<entity_id>. Overview. As the community continues to build broader consensus on trusted publishing sources, we'll continue to add more filters like the two above directly into the OpenAlex API and user interface. Search ⌃ K K There are many ways to define OA. That's why OpenAlex uses United Nations data to divide the globe into continents and regions that makes filtering data easier. Search Ctrl + K. You can find more information about how OpenAlex Topics are included in the API and snapshot data in our technical documentation Topics pages. There's a growing number of peer-reviewed studies showing this. Search ⌃ K K OpenAlex technical documentation. The daily limit for API calls is 100,000 requests per user per day. rest import ApiException from pprint import pprint # Defining the host is optional and defaults to ht tps://api. The primary way to access the data, is the API. Get single entities OurResearch is the first organization to host this data in a highly usable way, and we are proud to integrate it into OpenAlex! Curious about n-grams used in search? Browse them all via the API. It is free and requires no authentication. For example, if there are just two works tagged with this concept and one of them has been cited 10 times, and the other has been cited 1 time, cited_by_count for this concept would be 11. 📄 Works Aug 26, 2024 · OpenAlex offers a robust, open, and free REST API to extract, aggregate, or search scholarly data. The OpenAlex API doesn't require authentication. Here's an example: You can filter using these attributes of the Topic object (click each one to view their documentation on the Topic object page): You can filter using these attributes of the Author entity object (click each one to view their documentation on the Author object page): OpenAlex takes inspiration from the Library of Alexandria, wanting to centralize all research information in one place. This could be true for a preprint repository where everything uploaded is free to read, or for a Gold or Diamond open access journal, where all newly published Works are available for free under an open license. Lets use the OpenAlex API to get journal articles and books published by authors at Stanford University. Object: The ID and the name (display_name) for the field of this topic. Search ⌃ K K The best way to search for publishers is to use the search query parameter, which searches the display_name and alternate_titles fields. - In this R notebook, an accompaniment to the on openalexR, you'll learn the basics of using the openalexR library to get data from OpenAlex. Works are scholarly documents like journal articles, books, datasets, and theses. Configuration( host = "https://api. In the data snapshot, there is a directory which lists the IDs that have been merged. It's not strictly necessary, because author order is already implicitly recorded by the list order of Authorship objects; however it's useful in some contexts to have this as a categorical value. This is particularly helpful when the display_name values of different results are the same, as often happens when autocompleting an author entity--a user who types in John Smi is going to see a lot of identical-looking results, even though each one is a different person. That means it's in the public domain, and free to use in any way you like. Overview Jan 15, 2025 · OpenAlex en français dans le texte : publications, données, réseaux Découvrez l'outil ouvert OpenAlex, la plus grande base de références bibliographiques, afin de faire votre bibliographie, analyser vos résultats, trouver des données et identifier des réseaux de collaboration scientifique sur tout type de sujet. Since OpenAlex is free and openly available, these examples work without any login or account creation. Merged entities will redirect to the proper entity in the API. List: List of Institution objects. If you download the snapshot into an existing folder, you'll need to use the --delete flag to remove files from any previous downloads. There are hundreds of different ID systems, but we've selected a single external ID system for each entity to provide the Canonical External ID--this is the ID in the system that's been most fully adopted by the community, and is most frequently used in the wild. With our new topics system that was developed in coordination with CWTS, we came out with a list of 10 keywords for each topic. The website, API, and data snapshot are all available at Exporting results Above any Works result set, you will see an export button that you can click to download a file with OpenAlex's data You can filter using these attributes of the Source entity object (click each one to view their documentation on the Source object page): Dec 28, 2021 · This shell command will copy everything in the openalex S3 bucket to a local folder named openalex-snapshot. Go to this page to find out what you need to know! Integer: The number of citations to works that have been tagged with this keyword. Get single entities Jan 1, 2022 · Filters narrow the list down to just entities that meet a particular condition--specifically, a particular value for a particular attribute. These are the original OpenAlex Concepts, which are being deprecated in favor of Topics. Get a list of OpenAlex authors: The for authors is ORCID; only a small percentage of authors have one, but the percentage is higher for more recent works. A list of filters are set using the filter parameter, formatted like this: filter=attribute:value,attribute2:value2. Everything on a single page — Gone are the days when your users had to search through a million pages to find what they wanted. Get single entities That will return an Institution object, describing everything OpenAlex knows about the institution with that ID: It's easy to get a funder from from the API with: /funders/<entity_id>. . Slate Funders are organizations that fund research. Get single entities The Location object describes the location of a given work. Our information about institutions comes from metadata found in Crossref, PubMed, ROR, MAG, and publisher websites. The best way to search for funders is to use the search query parameter, which searches the display_name, the alternate_titles, and the description fields. API Overview; Get single entities The best way to search for concepts is to use the search query parameter, which searches the display_name and description fields. For best performance, add your email to all API requests, like mailto=example@domain. Sources are linked to works via the and properties. You can change this default and page through works with the per-page and page parameters: The best way to search for topics is to use the search query parameter, which searches the display_name, description, and keyword fields. Together, these make a huge web (or more technically, heterogeneous directed graph ) of hundreds of millions of entities and billions of connections between them all. count is the total number of works (this will be all works if no filter is applied). Smith". Publishers are companies and organizations that distribute journal articles, books, and theses. However, it is helpful for us to know who's behind each API call, for two reasons: It allows us to get in touch with the user if something's gone wrong--for instance, their script has run amok and we've needed to start blocking or throttling their usage. By default there are 25 results per page; you can use the per-page parameter to change that to any number between 1 and 200. However List: List of role objects, which include the role (one of institution, funder, or publisher), the id (OpenAlex ID), and the works_count. Rather than searching for the names of entities related to works—such as authors, institutions, and sources—you need to search by a more unique identifier for that entity, like the OpenAlex ID. list of parsed JSON returned from the Mar 3, 2022 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand So if you have questions about which sources you might want to exclude from an analysis, check with your local librarian to see if they've curated such a list. You can add a seed value in order to retrieve the same set of random records, in the same order, multiple times. MAG was a project by Microsoft Research to catalog all of the scholarly content on the internet. About the data; Why are some authors assigned to "NULL AUTHOR_ID" (A9999999999)? API reference/Technical documentation; Pricing; Old OpenAlex API documentation. Example: The best way to search for institutions is to use the search query parameter, which searches the display_name, the display_name_alternatives, and the display_name_acronyms. When retrieving a list of works in the API, the authorships list within each work will be cut off at 100 authorships objects in order to keep things running well. vguf mwqw tbxdkv mrljnae blhkj asjgv chmws tztqtz fgeuf eujkiu